Naturally Yours Events on FOX Chicago!
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- posted in: Eco-Fabulous, Helpful Tips, My Fave
What a crazy day at “the office” yesterday! Naturally Yours Events was on FOX Chicago talking to the viewers about how to have a green wedding and save some green, too. Check out these lovely iPhone photos:
We started the segment chatting about areas to reduce toxic products at weddings. We love using Bright Endeavors‘s soy-based candle wax instead of toxic petroleum-based candles that are commonly used. Petroleum candles release toxins into the air that your guests are breathing in while they eat dinner. Yuck! With Bright Endeavors, you can fill any type of container very affordably and it will last for hours.
My next tip was to avoid flower foam! Floral foam is that green foam that florists use to keep flowers in place and hydrated. It’s not biodegradable and it has chemicals that are considered toxic to the user and to the environment once it is chucked into the trash. Pollen shows us you don’t need that stuff! All of these beautiful flowers were arranged without the use of floral foam. Also, most of these flowers were locally grown here in Illinois!
Lastly, I spoke about some benefits to renting items! It is always greener to rent plates and linens and glassware than to buy yourself. When you rent you are able to allow that item to get reused instead of going in the trash or sitting in storage. Who wants 250 dirty chargers after their wedding? Nimble Well and M&M have a ton of great items that can fit your vision and really allow you to create something special.
All in all, it is so important to put your personality into your wedding day- you can totally do this, even while making greener choices. Enjoy the recap of my FOX segment below!