Wow, 2014 has been an amazing year! The NYE team has doubled in size, we got to bring the circus to Indie Wed, we executed tons of beautiful weddings for wonderful people, worked with super talented vendors, had fun designing for photo shoots and a Big Fat Fake Wedding, and opened an office (OMG). Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to last year.


Whale Themed Baby Shower

***This event was published on Hostess With the Mostest***

Whale Themed baby Shower

Photographer: Tuan H. Bui, Photographer


Kendall College Wedding, Aimee and Ben

7d4a96377fe9318cd97a Photographer: Kristen Barker Photography


Cirque de L’ Amour Wedding Lounge, Indie Wed


Photographer: Tuan H. Bui, Photographer


Hotel Wedding, Lindsey and Martin


Photographer: Sara Johnson Photography


Twitterpated Photo Shoot

***This event was published on Wedding Chicks***


Photographer: Tuan H. Bui, Photographer


Art Institute Wedding, Suzanne and Jason


Photographer: I Luv Photo


Wedding at the Drake Hotel, Rachel and Michael


Photographer: Shane Welch Photography


Salvage One Wedding, Debbie and Keith

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Photographer: Amanda Megan Miller Photography


Wedding at the Local 399 Union, Lauren and Matt


Photographer: Allison Williams Photography


Promontory Point Wedding, Jessica and Chris


Photographer: Z + V Weddings


Art Institute Wedding, Maryn and Tony

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Photographer: Melissa Hayes Photography


Wedding at Spiaggia, Sanaz and Saleh

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 11.11.51 AMPhotographer: Glen Abog Photography


ArtTango Wedding, Casey and Zack


Photographer: Erin Hoyt with Michelle Lytle Photography


Germania Place Wedding, Sarah and Marc

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Photographer: Mark Federighi Photography


Wedding at The Grove, Lann and Sammy


Photographer: Lilly Photography


Wedding on the Lake, Daniella and Mark


Photographer: Angela Renee Photography


Greenhouse Loft Wedding, Ashley and Jon


Photographer: Sprung Photo


Prairie Production Wedding, Jaime and Grant


Photographer: Once Like A Spark Photography


Where the Wild Things Are Wedding, Carolyn and Dan


Photographer: Tuan H. Bui, Photographer


Galleria Marchetti Wedding, Rachel and Aaron


Photographer: Fandl Photography


Big Fat Fake Wedding, The NotWedding Event

***This event was published on Ruffled Blog***


Photographer: This shot is by Booth Photographics


Public Hotel Wedding, Rowena and Chris


Photographer: Erin Hoyt with Michelle Lytle Photography


Wedding at the Nature Museum, Emily and Mike

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Photographer: Hitch and Sparrow Photography


63rd Street Beach House Wedding, Lindsay and Scotty


Photographer: Ha! Photography


Chicago Botanic Gardens Wedding, Kristen and Chris


Photographer: Melissa Hayes Photography


Colorful Board Game Wedding, Davora and Roxy


Photographer: Soda Fountain Photography


Columbia Yacht Club Wedding, Susan and Peter

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Photographer: Mac Kotas, Press Play Photo


Wedding at Greenhouse Loft, Megan and David

View More: Photographer: Coach House Pictures


Wedding at the Pittsfield Building, Tanya and Richard

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Photographer: Francis Marie Photography


Wedding at Centered Chef, Katie and Charlie

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Photographer: Misha Media Photography


Wedding at Carnivale, Lauriean and Sean


Photographer: Genevieve Lauren Photography


Wedding at Brimfield, Amanda and Dan


Photographer: Megan Saul Photography


Morton Arboretum Wedding, Liz and Jerry


Photographer: Two Birds Photography


Office Opening Party!

10437330_10154759288290436_3571927039769038052_nPhotographer: Tuan H. Bui, Photographer


Food Truck Wedding, Ellen and Nick


Photographer: Shane Welch Photography


Hard Rock Hotel Wedding, Valerie and Matt

KrollWedding46 Photographer: Korto Photography


Floating World Gallery Wedding, Dan and Rob


Photographer: Diane Huhn Photography


Santa Monica Beach Wedding, Liesl and Michael

KADILE45 Photographer: Jason Kaczorowski Photography


Wedding at Cafe Brauer, Ashley and Justin

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Photographer: Matushek Photography


Art Revolution Wedding, Kaitlin and John


Photographer: Erik Holliday Photography


Gallery 1028 Wedding, Michelle and Robyn


Photographer: Erin Hoyt Photography


ArtTango Wedding, Sarah and Ian


Photographer: Liz Lui Photography


Happy New Year Everyone and Cheers to 2015!